PropertyAccess 组件
PropertyAccess 组件提供了使用简单字符串表示法从对象或数组读取和写入的功能。
$ composer require symfony/property-access
如果你在 Symfony 应用程序之外安装此组件,你必须在你的代码中引入 vendor/autoload.php
文件,以启用 Composer 提供的类自动加载机制。阅读 这篇文章了解更多详情。
此组件的入口点是 createPropertyAccessor() 工厂。此工厂将使用默认配置创建一个新的 PropertyAccessor 类的实例
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use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess;
$propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor();
你可以使用 getValue() 方法读取数组。这是使用 PHP 中使用的索引表示法完成的
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// ...
$person = [
'first_name' => 'Wouter',
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, '[first_name]')); // 'Wouter'
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, '[age]')); // null
正如你所看到的,如果索引不存在,该方法将返回 null
。但是你可以使用 enableExceptionOnInvalidIndex() 方法来更改此行为
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// ...
$propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessorBuilder()
$person = [
'first_name' => 'Wouter',
// instead of returning null, the code now throws an exception of type
// Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\NoSuchIndexException
$value = $propertyAccessor->getValue($person, '[age]');
// You can avoid the exception by adding the nullsafe operator
$value = $propertyAccessor->getValue($person, '[age?]');
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// ...
$persons = [
'first_name' => 'Wouter',
'first_name' => 'Ryan',
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($persons, '[0][first_name]')); // 'Wouter'
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($persons, '[1][first_name]')); // 'Ryan'
如果数组的键包含点 .
或左方括号 [
而不是 first_name
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var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($persons, '[0][first\.name]')); // 'Wouter'
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($persons, '[1][first\.name]')); // 'Ryan'
右方括号 ]
要从属性读取,请使用 “点” 表示法
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// ...
$person = new Person();
$person->firstName = 'Wouter';
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, 'firstName')); // 'Wouter'
$child = new Person();
$child->firstName = 'Bar';
$person->children = [$child];
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, 'children[0].firstName')); // 'Bar'
访问公共属性是 PropertyAccessor
使用的最后一个选项。它会先尝试使用以下方法访问值,然后再直接使用属性。例如,如果你有一个具有 getter 方法的公共属性,它将使用 getter。
使用 Getter
方法也支持使用 getter 进行读取。该方法将使用 getter 的通用命名约定创建。它将属性名称转换为 camelCase (first_name
变为 FirstName
) 并在其前面加上 get
前缀。所以实际的方法变为 getFirstName()
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// ...
class Person
private string $firstName = 'Wouter';
public function getFirstName(): string
return $this->firstName;
$person = new Person();
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, 'first_name')); // 'Wouter'
使用 Hassers/Issers
甚至不止于此。如果没有找到 getter,访问器将查找 isser 或 hasser。此方法的创建方式与 getter 相同,这意味着你可以执行以下操作
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// ...
class Person
private bool $author = true;
private array $children = [];
public function isAuthor(): bool
return $this->author;
public function hasChildren(): bool
return 0 !== count($this->children);
$person = new Person();
if ($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, 'author')) {
var_dump('This person is an author');
if ($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, 'children')) {
var_dump('This person has children');
这将产生:This person is an author
默认情况下,如果传递给 getValue() 的属性路径不存在,则会抛出 NoSuchPropertyException 异常。你可以使用 disableExceptionOnInvalidPropertyPath() 方法来更改此行为
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// ...
class Person
public string $name;
$person = new Person();
$propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessorBuilder()
// instead of throwing an exception the following code returns null
$value = $propertyAccessor->getValue($person, 'birthday');
考虑以下 PHP 代码
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class Person
class Comment
public ?Person $person = null;
public string $message;
$comment = new Comment();
$comment->message = 'test';
假设 $person
是可为空的,像 comment.person.profile
这样的对象图在 $person
属性为 null
时会触发异常。解决方案是用 nullsafe 运算符 (?
) 标记所有可为空的属性
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// This code throws an exception of type
// Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($comment, 'person.firstname'));
// If a property marked with the nullsafe operator is null, the expression is
// no longer evaluated and null is returned immediately without throwing an exception
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($comment, 'person?.firstname')); // null
魔术方法 __get()
方法也可以使用魔术方法 __get()
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// ...
class Person
private array $children = [
'Wouter' => [...],
public function __get($id): mixed
return $this->children[$id];
public function __isset($id): bool
return isset($this->children[$id]);
$person = new Person();
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, 'Wouter')); // [...]
当实现魔术方法 __get()
时,你还需要实现 __isset()
魔术方法 __call()
可以使用魔术方法 __call()
,但是你需要使用 PropertyAccessorBuilder 启用此功能
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// ...
class Person
private array $children = [
'wouter' => [...],
public function __call($name, $args): mixed
$property = lcfirst(substr($name, 3));
if ('get' === substr($name, 0, 3)) {
return $this->children[$property] ?? null;
} elseif ('set' === substr($name, 0, 3)) {
$value = 1 == count($args) ? $args[0] : null;
$this->children[$property] = $value;
$person = new Person();
// enables PHP __call() magic method
$propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessorBuilder()
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, 'wouter')); // [...]
功能默认是禁用的,你可以通过调用 enableMagicCall() 来启用它,请参阅 启用其他功能。
类不仅可以读取数组,还可以写入数组。这可以使用 setValue() 方法来实现
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// ...
$person = [];
$propertyAccessor->setValue($person, '[first_name]', 'Wouter');
var_dump($propertyAccessor->getValue($person, '[first_name]')); // 'Wouter'
// or
// var_dump($person['first_name']); // 'Wouter'
方法与 getValue()
方法具有相同的功能。你可以使用 setter、魔术方法 __set()
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// ...
class Person
public string $firstName;
private string $lastName;
private array $children = [];
public function setLastName($name): void
$this->lastName = $name;
public function getLastName(): string
return $this->lastName;
public function getChildren(): array
return $this->children;
public function __set($property, $value): void
$this->$property = $value;
$person = new Person();
$propertyAccessor->setValue($person, 'firstName', 'Wouter');
$propertyAccessor->setValue($person, 'lastName', 'de Jong'); // setLastName is called
$propertyAccessor->setValue($person, 'children', [new Person()]); // __set is called
var_dump($person->firstName); // 'Wouter'
var_dump($person->getLastName()); // 'de Jong'
var_dump($person->getChildren()); // [Person()];
你也可以使用 __call()
来设置值,但是你需要启用该功能,请参阅 启用其他功能
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// ...
class Person
private array $children = [];
public function __call($name, $args): mixed
$property = lcfirst(substr($name, 3));
if ('get' === substr($name, 0, 3)) {
return $this->children[$property] ?? null;
} elseif ('set' === substr($name, 0, 3)) {
$value = 1 == count($args) ? $args[0] : null;
$this->children[$property] = $value;
$person = new Person();
// Enable magic __call
$propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessorBuilder()
$propertyAccessor->setValue($person, 'wouter', [...]);
var_dump($person->getWouter()); // [...]
默认情况下启用 __set()
方法支持。如果你想禁用它,请参阅 启用其他功能。
类允许通过 adder 和 remover 方法更新存储在属性中的数组内容
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// ...
class Person
* @var string[]
private array $children = [];
public function getChildren(): array
return $this->children;
public function addChild(string $name): void
$this->children[$name] = $name;
public function removeChild(string $name): void
$person = new Person();
$propertyAccessor->setValue($person, 'children', ['kevin', 'wouter']);
var_dump($person->getChildren()); // ['kevin', 'wouter']
PropertyAccess 组件检查名为 add<SingularOfThePropertyName>()
和 remove<SingularOfThePropertyName>()
的方法。这两个方法都必须定义。例如,在前面的示例中,组件查找 addChild()
和 removeChild()
方法来访问 children
属性。String 组件 inflector 用于查找属性名称的单数形式。
如果可用,adder 和 remover 方法优先于 setter 方法。
使用非标准的 adder/remover 方法
有时,adder 和 remover 方法不使用标准的 add
或 remove
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// ...
class Team
// ...
public function joinTeam(string $person): void
$this->team[] = $person;
public function leaveTeam(string $person): void
foreach ($this->team as $id => $item) {
if ($person === $item) {
use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\ReflectionExtractor;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessor;
$list = new Team();
$reflectionExtractor = new ReflectionExtractor(null, null, ['join', 'leave']);
$propertyAccessor = new PropertyAccessor(PropertyAccessor::DISALLOW_MAGIC_METHODS, PropertyAccessor::THROW_ON_INVALID_PROPERTY_PATH, null, $reflectionExtractor, $reflectionExtractor);
$propertyAccessor->setValue($person, 'team', ['kevin', 'wouter']);
var_dump($person->getTeam()); // ['kevin', 'wouter']
PropertyAccess 组件将调用 join<SingularOfThePropertyName>()
和 leave<SingularOfThePropertyName>()
方法,而不是调用 add<SingularOfThePropertyName>()
和 remove<SingularOfThePropertyName>()
当你想检查是否可以安全地调用 getValue() 而无需实际调用该方法时,你可以使用 isReadable() 代替
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$person = new Person();
if ($propertyAccessor->isReadable($person, 'firstName')) {
// ...
对于 setValue() 也是如此:调用 isWritable() 方法来找出是否可以更新属性路径
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$person = new Person();
if ($propertyAccessor->isWritable($person, 'firstName')) {
// ...
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// ...
class Person
public string $firstName;
private array $children = [];
public function setChildren($children): void
$this->children = $children;
public function getChildren(): array
return $this->children;
$person = new Person();
$propertyAccessor->setValue($person, 'children[0]', new Person);
// equal to $person->getChildren()[0] = new Person()
$propertyAccessor->setValue($person, 'children[0].firstName', 'Wouter');
// equal to $person->getChildren()[0]->firstName = 'Wouter'
var_dump('Hello '.$propertyAccessor->getValue($person, 'children[0].firstName')); // 'Wouter'
// equal to $person->getChildren()[0]->firstName
PropertyAccessor 可以配置为启用额外的功能。为此,你可以使用 PropertyAccessorBuilder
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// ...
$propertyAccessorBuilder = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessorBuilder();
$propertyAccessorBuilder->enableMagicCall(); // enables magic __call
$propertyAccessorBuilder->enableMagicGet(); // enables magic __get
$propertyAccessorBuilder->enableMagicSet(); // enables magic __set
$propertyAccessorBuilder->enableMagicMethods(); // enables magic __get, __set and __call
$propertyAccessorBuilder->disableMagicCall(); // disables magic __call
$propertyAccessorBuilder->disableMagicGet(); // disables magic __get
$propertyAccessorBuilder->disableMagicSet(); // disables magic __set
$propertyAccessorBuilder->disableMagicMethods(); // disables magic __get, __set and __call
// checks if magic __call, __get or __set handling are enabled
$propertyAccessorBuilder->isMagicCallEnabled(); // true or false
$propertyAccessorBuilder->isMagicGetEnabled(); // true or false
$propertyAccessorBuilder->isMagicSetEnabled(); // true or false
// At the end get the configured property accessor
$propertyAccessor = $propertyAccessorBuilder->getPropertyAccessor();
// Or all in one
$propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessorBuilder()
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// enable handling of magic __call, __set but not __get:
$propertyAccessor = new PropertyAccessor(PropertyAccessor::MAGIC_CALL | PropertyAccessor::MAGIC_SET);